Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pre Check In and then... MOVE IN DAY!!

So before all of the January 21st people arrived, I had set up a VERY large reservation at the Rainforest Cafe at downtown Disney for 65 people. I just thought it would be a great way for people to meet each other and start talking and have some food and all that.

I highly recommend that someone does that for each session because everyone thought it was really fun and it turned out really well and was just overall really successful!!!

Check in day... From my understanding, the day 1 and day 2 activities are now combined?!? But this is how it was for me:

I carpooled with some friends and we got to vista around 7:30am and there were already a ton of people there parked in the little parking lot across the street. We had car parties and our friends were out there "directing traffic"... it was funny. The security let us in to vista at 8am and we went through all the stations... paperwork, housing, IDs, car decals, finger printing, Disney look, when traditions would be, etc.

for getting there right at opening it took about an hour and a half to do everything... but i also had a VERY hard time getting my fingers to print for whatever reason so I had to do more paperwork...

For the most part, You room by the people you are in line with. My roomate Meghan and I "met" a couple people on facebook that we wanted to try and room with, so we asked the people in the housing section and they said it was no problem but we either had to do a 2 Bedroom or a 4 bedroom.... so we did a 4 bedroom.

After checkin, we went to chatham and started moving in. We had to go to Pop Century and grab the rest of our stuff, too and on the way back, ended up getting lost, so we never actually made it to the housing meeting.... but... it's not MANDATORY that you go. It's reccommended that you do it, but you don't have to.

And that was basically it for the day. It was pretty easy yet a little stressful but a lot of fun. I recommend getting to check in right away because it allows you to have the rest of the day to do stuff like un pack!!